About Reliance
Reliance is a trio of talented men who have dedicated their lives to sharing the Gospel. Reliance is and has always been ministry focused. Each of these men knows Christ as their personal savior and they all have extensive singing and music ministry experience. They present an exciting program filled with inspiration, encouragement and joy. They travel all across America in concert venues and in church services. We would love to bring our music and joy to your church or event. If you would like information about how to schedule Reliance, please call Sharon Hurley at 559.974.2397 or Ken Hurley at 559.261.1672.
“…I have always been mindful of your unfailing love and have lived in reliance on your faithfulness.” Psalm 26:2-4
Reliance is a trio of talented men who have dedicated their lives to sharing the Gospel. Reliance is and has always been ministry focused. Each of these men knows Christ as their personal savior and they all have extensive singing and music ministry experience. They present an exciting program filled with inspiration, encouragement and joy. They travel all across America in concert venues and in church services. We would love to bring our music and joy to your church or event. If you would like information about how to schedule Reliance, please call Sharon Hurley at 559.974.2397 or Ken Hurley at 559.261.1672.
“…I have always been mindful of your unfailing love and have lived in reliance on your faithfulness.” Psalm 26:2-4
Announcing Reliance's Latest Project
May be purchased by clicking on the CD's Page at the top of the screen.

Hear Ken Hurley on SOLID GOSPEL WEST
Go to www.solidgospelwest.com A full 2 hour show with Great Gospel Music
Go to www.solidgospelwest.com A full 2 hour show with Great Gospel Music